Happiness is Good for Your Health

Happiness is good for every aspect of our lives; we just forget to be acutely aware of its importance. With busyness, demands and responsibilities we can easily lose sight of the possibilities we have for joy and happiness. As we lose sight of those little joys life becomes mundane, troublesome and then negativity will creep in.

We are surrounded by subtleties that are absolutely bursting with happiness. Pause- take a moment to notice the things that are regularly taken for granted yet filled with happiness. The sun as it peeks through the horizon, the birds that can’t stop singing, tender flowers that break open the ground to be seen once again, the smell of fresh lawns being cut for the first time in months. We make happiness seem complicated and hard to find; yet, if you are still and observe life for a moment- you don’t have to find happiness, it will find you.

Happiness is a brief moment in the sun, a gentle smile, and a word of kindness, opening the door for a stranger, listening to the innocent voice of a child, coffee with a friend or laughing out loud. A simple smile releases numerous healthy chemicals in the brain that are actually good for you and your body.

So take a moment to notice and Choose Happiness, it really is good for your health.