What is the Energy of Your Life?


Everything in life is touched, shaped and transformed because of energy. This beautiful, powerful earth sits perfectly balanced and spins in sync with everything around it because of the power of the sun. As far reaching as the outer limits of space, every particle has energy and is impacting and affected by other nearby objects. The water we drink, foods we grow and consume, our electronic devices, home heating, and air and all modern conveniences exist because of energy. But the electromagnetic components of life aren’t the only powerful sources of energy, words, laughter and tears are all part of your energetic world.

Your thoughts are one of the most powerful occurrences in your life. You can’t and won’t do a thing without first having a thought. And then those thoughts create the experience of your life. What you do and say moment to moment, what you think and feel about other human beings creates an energy that lives inside, and that will be transmitted to your external environment. Your mind and life are fed with the energy of your thoughts.

Where do your thoughts come from? Your exposure! Behavior, words, and attitudes are contagious. The things to which you are consistently surrounded by eventually becomes part of your experience. Unconsciously we learn from one another, take on one another’s habits and behaviors. So take a moment and pause. Are you choosing the energy of your life? Create awareness around your heart and soul, and periodically ask yourself, “Am I choosing, or am I reacting from previously learned behaviors?”

You have the power to choose what you think, how you feel, what you are exposed to, and how you behave. Daily are you choosing kindness, gratitude, laughter, music, fresh air, good food, healthy movement, forgiveness, and compassion? They are available to you…and are a simple choice.
